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seit 2023 |
Postdoktorandin, SNF-Projekt „Time and Emotion in Medieval Japanese Literature“ |
seit 2021 |
Fachbezogene Übersetzungen und Lektorat |
2014–2020 |
Promotion (PhD), University of Edinburgh (Sasakawa Foundation Postgraduate Studentship) |
2016–2017 |
Forschungsaufenthalt am Nichibunken, Kyoto (Japan Foundation Fellowship) |
2015 |
Forschungsaufenthalt am Shiryō Hensanjo, Universität Tokyo (Japan Foundation Endowment Committee Stipendium) |
2013 |
Aufenthalt in Japan |
2011–2012 |
Master of Studies (MSt), University of Oxford |
2008–2011 |
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Universität zu Köln |
Astley, Ian and Nathalie Phillips (ed.). “Materiality in the Buddhism of Pre-modern Japan”. Buddhist Studies Review 39.2 (2023). (In print)
Phillips, Nathalie. “Tracing the Itinerant Path. Jishū Nuns of Medieval Japan”, by Caitilin J. Griffiths. Hawai’i University Press, 2016. 214pp." Buddhist Studies Review 34.2 (2018): 276–78.
2017–2018 |
Sasakawa Foundation Postgraduate Studentship |
2016–2017 |
Japan Foundation Fellowship |
2015 |
Japan Foundation Endowment Committee Stipendium |
2014–2016 |
Sasakawa Foundation Postgraduate Studentship |