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The Taiwan Strait Issue and Japan’s Emergence as a powerful regional security stakeholder


Lionel Fatton (Webster Geneva Campus, Meiji University)

Datum und Zeit

23. April 2024, 18:15-20:00



Registration for online and on-site participation here

Apéro ab 19:30


In December 2022, Tokyo released three security documents that made headlines worldwide. Highlighting the acquisition of counterstrike capabilities, the large increase in defense spending and other decisions enshrined in the documents, some believe that these mark a critical juncture in Japan’s security policy. Is this the case? In this lecture, Lionel Fatton will argue for a positive answer but for different reasons. In the context of Tokyo’s deterrence strategy, counterstrike capabilities and other changes in Japan’s posture are simple adaptations of past deterrence practices. An overlooked and more substantial evolution is taking place amid an intensifying deterrence-entrapment dilemma: the adoption of a forward deterrence posture aimed at reducing the risk of crisis in the Taiwan Strait through the projection of general deterrent effects. This posture constitutes a critical juncture because it sets Japan on a path of becoming a potent regional security actor. It also raises questions about Tokyo’s ability to keep a balanced approach toward China.


Asien-Orient-Institut - Sinologie


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