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Asien-Orient-Institut UFSP Asien und Europa (2006–2017)

Prolegomenon to the Metahistory of Technology in South Asia

On Tuesday, March 22nd, Prof. Dr. Dhruv Raina will hold a lecture on the subject "Prolegomenon to the Metahistory of Technology in South Asia"
Lecture room: RAI-H-041, Rämistrasse 74, 8001 Zurich

Dhruv Raina is the first chairholder of the Heinrich-Zimmer Chair for Indian Philosophy and Intellectual History at Heidelberg University. He studied Physics at the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai and received his Ph.D. in the Philosophy of Science from Göteborg University. His research has focuses upon the politics and cultures of scientific knowledge in South Asia. He has co-authored with S. Irfan Habib Domesticating Modern Science: Essays on Social History of Science and Culture in Colonial India (2004) and co-edited Social History of Sciences in Colonial India (2007).
