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中國抒情傳統論與中國文學史 / Discourses on Chinese Lyrical Tradition and Literary Histography


Professor Leonard K.K. Chan (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)

Datum und Zeit

9. Juni 2022, 14:00-16:00 Uhr (MESZ)

Ort / Registrierung

Der Vortrag findet online via Zoom statt. Der Link zur Teilnahme wird nach der Registrierung über das Anmeldeformular zugesandt.


The Lecture will be held in Chinese. For the Q&A, questions in both English and Chinese are welcome.

Professor Leonard K.K. Chan is currently Yushan Scholar Chair Professor at the Department of Chinese Literature, and Director of the Research Centre for Literary Thought and Discourse, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. Prior to joining Tsing Hua University, he was Founding Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Hong Kong Institute of Education and Director of the Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture.

His major research interests are in the areas of classical Chinese poetry and poetics, literary historiography, and Hong Kong literature. He has authored and (co-) edited more than 20 books, including Discourses on the Chinese Lyrical Tradition and Literary Historiography (《抒情傳統論與中國文學史》, 2021), The Rise and Development of the Chinese Lyrical Tradition (《中國抒情傳統源流》, 2021), Lyricism-Personages-Place: Studies on Literary Contemporaneity and Locality (《抒情‧人物‧地方》, 2021), Hong Kong’s History of Lyricism (《香港的抒情史》, 2016), Obsession With China (《情迷家國》, 2007), Ming Neo-Classicists on Tang Poetry (《明代復古派唐詩論研究》, 2007), Modes of Writing and the Cultural Politics of Literary History (《文學史書寫形態與文化政治》, 2005). He co-edited with Professor David Wang the anthology The Modernity of Lyricism: Essays on the Chinese Lyrical Tradition (《抒情之現代性:「抒情傳統」論述與中國文學研究》, 2014). He is also the chief editor of Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949 in 12 volumes (《香港文學大系 1919-1949》, 2003), and Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1950-1969 in 16 volumes (《香港文學大系 1950-1969》, 2019-2022).


Asien-Orient-Institut - Sinologie

Unterstützt durch die Graduate School der Philosophischen Fakultät der UZH
