Being Part of Transformation from “Old Japan” to “New Japan”? White-Collar migrants in Corporate Japan
Approaches to Educating Neurodivergent Students in Japan: Balancing the Needs of the Individual and the Needs of Society
Having a Strategy, Ensuring Success: School Progression and Work Transition of Immigrant-origin Youths in Japan
Das Śarannavarātrī-Fest und die Śaṅkarācāryas von Śṛṅgerī. Zur Performanz von Sakralität und Macht in einer südindischen Tradition
The Uncertain State: Uncertainty as Everyday Experience and Mode of Governmentality in Contemporary India
Sexarbeit: ein feministischer Widerspruch? Geschlechterkonstruktionen und die Komplexität des Alltags von (migrantischen) Sexarbeiter*innen
Is Sallekhanā a form of Suicide? A Critical Examination of the Legality and Ethicality of the Jain Fast to Death