Research Team Project Duration
Dr. Nadia Brügger (Project Leader) University of Zurich, Dr. Valerie Meyer (Project Leader) University of Zurich Zwischen Widerstand und Übermut. Verdrängte Schweizer Autorinnen der 1970er Jahre 2023
M.A. Linda Bosshart (Collaborating Researcher) Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar, M.A. Jill Marxer (Collaborating Researcher) Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar Weibliche Beschneidung: (k)ein religionswissenschaftliches Thema? Eine dezidierte Stellungnahme 2023
M.A. Dominik Folger (PhD Project Researcher), M.A. Banhishikha Ghosh (Researcher), Dr. Paridhi Gupta (Researcher) Decolonising Gender and Sexuality: Learning from Other Voices 2023
M.A. Jan Müller (Principal Investigator) University of Zurich The Significance of Within-Occupation Shifts in Working Time Norms and Bargaining Power for Risks of Over- and Underemployment: The Case of Switzerland 2000-2022 2023–2027
Dr. Manfred Klenner (Principal Investigator) Computational Linguistics Gender-specific Gender Reference in Swiss Newspapers 2023–2024
Dr. phil/Ph.D. Katharina Bernecker (Project Leader) Department of Psychology, University of Zurich, Ph.D. Daniela Becker (Collaborating Researcher) Behavioral Science Institute, Radboud University, M.Sc. Aiste Guobyte (Collaborating Researcher) Department of Psychology, University of Zurich Gender Differences in Hedonic Capacity and Gendered Entitlement to Leisure 2022–2023
Zwischen Produktion und Reproduktion. Mütter der prekären Klasse in Fabriken (Between Production and Reproduction. Mothers of the Precarious Class in Factories) 2022–2025
Prof. Dr. Karin Schwiter (Project Leader) University of Zurich, M.A. Christiane Meyer-Habighorst (PhD Project Researcher) University of Zurich, B. Sc. Sarah Staubli (Researcher) University of Zurich Urbane Plattformökonomien: Die Transformation von Arbeit und intersektionale Ungleichheiten im Bereich der Sorgedienstleistungen (Urban Platform Economies: The transformation of labour and intersectional inequalities in care services) 2022–2025
Larissa Fritsch (PhD Project Researcher) University of Zurich, Department of Sociology Queer identities and the desire to parent 2022
M.A. Salome Bartolomeoli (PhD Project Researcher) Deutsches Seminar Der Geschlechterdiskurs in Print- und audiovisuellen Nachrichtenmedien der Schweiz im 20. Jahrhundert. Eine multimodale Korpusanalyse (Gender discourse in print and audiovisual news media in Switzerland in the 20th century. A Multimodal Corpus Analysis) 2022
Dr. Benita Combet (Collaborating Researcher) University of Zurich, Dr. Britta Matthes (Collaborating Researcher) Institut für Arbeitsmarkt und Berufsforschung Nürnberg, Dr. Basha Vicari (Collaborating Researcher) Institut für Arbeitsmarkt und Berufsforschung Nürnberg The role of recruiter and firm characteristics on gender discrimination in candidate selection for male- and female-dominated occupations 2022
Dr. Kathrin Eitel (Principal Investigator) Radical Resilience. Encountering Flood Policies, Knowledge Formations and Climate Transformation Processes in Ho Chi Minh City. 2022–2024
Prof. Dr. Katrin Meyer (Collaborating Researcher) Gender Studies, MA Yunna Skliarova (Collaborating Researcher) Gender Studies, Stephanie Tuchschmid (Collaborating Researcher) Gender Studies Women's Suffrage and Democracy Today: Critique, Memory, Vision 2022–2023
Prof.Dr. Dorothea Lüddeckens (Principal Investigator) Universität Zürich, Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar, Prof.Dr. Monika Schrimpf (Principal Investigator) Universität Tübingen, Asien Orient Institut, Abt. Japanologie Geistheilung und Geistiges Heilen in Japan und der Schweiz (Spiritual Healing in Japan and Switzerland) 2021
Prof Regula Ludi (Project Leader) Universität Zürich / Universität Fribourg, Dr Matthias Ruoss (Project Leader) Universität Fribourg, MA Sarah Probst (Collaborating Researcher) Universität Fribourg Freiwilligkeit und Geschlecht. Neuverhandlung der gesellschaftlichen Arbeitsteilung seit den 1970er- Jahren (Crisis and Transformation of Volunteering and Voluntary Work since the 1970s) 2021–2025
M.A. Dominik Folger (Researcher) The Making of Women's Political Representation - Processes and Determinants of Shifting Power Dynamics in Tunisia and Morocco 2021
Prof. Dr. med. PhD Petra Schweinhardt (Principal Investigator) Integrative Spinal Research, Department of Chiropractic Medicine, Balgrist University Hospital, MSc Alexandros Guekos (PhD Project Researcher) Integrative Spinal Research, Department of Chiropractic Medicine, Balgrist University Hospital Schmerzverarbeitung bei Frauen und Männern (Differences in Sensitization between Men and Women after Cutaneous Thermal Stimuli) 2021–2023
Prof. Dr. Bettina Dennerlein (Project Leader), Dr. Sarah Farag (Researcher) Gender, Politics and Critique in the MENA: Towards a Critical History of Feminism, 1970s until Today (Gender, Politics and Critique in the MENA) 2021–2024
Prof. Dr. Bettina Dennerlein (Project Leader), M.A. Helena Rust (Coordinator) Creating Spaces: Enhancing Multiversal Knowledge Production in Gender and Diversity Studies (CreSp) 2021–2024
Prof. Dr. Lauren Howe (Principal Investigator) University of Zurich, Leonie Hentrup (Collaborating Researcher) University of Zurich, Prof. Dr. Jochen Menges (Collaborating Researcher) University of Zurich A man's world forever? How mental representations of the future of work risk perpetuating gender inequalities 2021–2025
M.A. Ana Lupu (Project Leader) Deutsches Seminar, Universität Zürich Antigones Gattungen. Studien zur Rezeptionsgeschichte in Theorie und deutscher Literatur (Genres of Antigone. Studies of the Reception in Theory and German Literature) 2020–2024
M.A. Virginia Marano (Principal Investigator) Institute of Art History, University of Zurich, Dr. Charlotte Matter (Principal Investigator) Institute of Art History, University of Zurich, M.A. Laura Valterio (Principal Investigator) Institute of Art History, University of Zurich Rethinking Art History through Disability 2020–2023
Prof. Dr. Catherine Herfeld (Collaborating Researcher), M.A. Jan Müller (Collaborating Researcher), M.A. Kathrin Von Allmen (Collaborating Researcher) Why Do Women Philosophy Students Drop Out of Philosophy? Some Evidence from the Classroom at the Bachelor’s Level 2020–2023
Sexualisierte Gewalt im Artusroman (Sexual violence in arthurian romances) 2019–2023
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Martin (Project Leader) The Reproduction of caste? Economic, political and kinship strategies among Jats in Punjab 2019–2023
Prof. Dr. Franziska Frei Gerlach (Principal Investigator) University of Zurich, Prof. Dr. Sabine Schneider (Principal Investigator) University of Zurich, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Vedder (Principal Investigator) Humboldt University Berlin, Nadia Brügger (PhD Project Researcher) University of Zurich Das Glück im feministischen Blick. Bearbeitungen von Glück und Glücksversprechen in Idylle, Märchen und Utopie bei Marlen Haushofer, Ingeborg Bachmann und Elfriede Jelinek im Diskursraum der 1970er Jahre 2019–2023
Dr. Léïla Eisner (Principal Investigator) University of Zurich, Dr. Tabea Hässler (Principal Investigator) University of Zurich Schweizer LGBTIQ+ Panel (Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel) 2019–2025
MA Claudia Tassone (PhD Project Researcher) Romanisches Seminar Arts d’aimer et livres de conduite. Discours prescriptifs pour les femmes au Moyen Âge (Love treatises and conduct books. Prescriptive discourses for women in the Middle Ages) 2017
M.A. Helena Rust (Researcher) University of Zurich A Nahḍa of sexual science. The study of sex in Arabic modernist thought 1900–1940 2016–2023
lic. phil. Lovis Noah A. S. Cassaris (PhD Project Researcher) Deutsches Seminar Die deutsche Sprache 'queeren' – Grenzen und Strategien Eine Leitfadenanalyse mit Handlungsempfehlungen (Arbeitstitel) 2011–2023
Dr. Monika Gsell (Project Leader) Judith Le Soldat-Werkausgabe (Judith Le Soldat - Collected Works) 2011