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Asien-Orient-Institut UFSP Asien und Europa (2006–2017)

Drugs and Prayers – Indian Psychiatry in the Realm of Saints (2009)

Prof. Dr. Helene Basu (Universität Münster)

Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2011

Hauptgebäude der Universität Zürich, Raum KOL-G-204

Die Filmvorführung wird organisiert von der Abteilung für Indologie und dem UFSP Asien und Europa, mit einer Einführung durch Helene Basu.

Regie: Helene Basu

Laufzeit: 56 Min.


The Sufi shrine of Mira Datar in North Gujarat is a large pilgrimage centre specialising in healing possession madness/mental illness. It has become a site of experimenting with new forms of community care in the mental health sector. An NGO facilitates communication between the mental health department, shrine dignitaries, psychiatrists and patients suffering from mental troubles seeking help from saints. The film documents exchanges between different actors at the shrine (patients-psychiatrists, psychiatrists-ritual specialists, patients-ritual specialists), listens to the stories of afflicted persons and presents diverse views on the presumed causes of mental illness as well on the benefit or non-benefit of medicine and/or ritual practices as perceived by patients and their relatives.

Im Anschluss an die Filmvorführung findet eine Diskussion zum Thema statt