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Asien-Orient-Institut UFSP Asien und Europa (2006–2017)

Biography Afield in Asia and Europe

Workshop, September 20–21, 2012


URPP Asia and Europe and Historical Seminar, University of Zurich


Our workshop aims at probing the uses of transcultural biography in historical and literary studies. “Transcultural biography” refers to lives extended over different and distant cultural spaces, times, and patterns of practice. In particular, we aim for perspectives on lives that were, and are, extended from Europe to Asia and from Asia to Europe; on lives that ran afield, crossing cultural boundaries and “contact zones”, and traversing a broad range of different cultural sites. Such sites might, for instance, be constituted by political, religious, geographic, epistemic, social, and bodily differences.


URPP Asia and Europe, Room WIE F-07, Wiesenstrasse 7/9, 8008 Zürich

Weiterführende Informationen

Report in the “Asia & Europe Bulletin” 2/2013

Workshop Program

Please download the workshop program: