Universität Zürich

Kalimāt: Arabic for Islamic and Arabic Studies

Verb Tables
Morphology Exercises
Basic Vocabulary
Media Arabic
Classroom Expressions
Textbook Assignments
Grammar Terms
Triradical Verbs
English: Arabic (vocalized/unvocalized):
supported (with)

مدعم ج مدعمون (بـ)‏

مُدَعَّمٌ ج مُدَعَّمُونَ (بِـ)‏

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Knowledge: passive
Lesson: 18
Frequency: 2
Part of speech: Adjective
Morphological category: nomen patientis
Morph. pattern: مُفَعَّلٌ
Form: II
Root: دعم
Subject: Art and literature, Law, Technology, Means of transport

Sample sentences:

‫نَشَرَتِ الصَّحيفَةُ تَقْريراً مُفَصَّلاً عَنْ فَضيحَةِ الرَّئيسِ الأَمريكيِّ ومُدَعَّماً بَأَقْوالِ شُهُودِ عِيانٍ‬