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Joanna Krenz

Joanna Krenz, Dr.


PhD in Chinese Literature, Leiden University (2018)
Chinese Language and Literature Program, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming (2013/14)
MA in Chinese Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University (2013)
MA in Polish Language and Literature, specialization: Comparative Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University (2013)
BA in Chinese Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University (2011)
Chinese Language and Literature Program, Central China Normal University, Wuhan (2010/11)

Academic Employment

Since October 2018 Assistant Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, Adam Mickiewicz University
Oct 2014 – Sep 2018 Lecturer of Chinese Language and Literature, Adam Mickiewicz University
Oct 2014 – Nov 2016 Lecturer of Chinese Language and Literature at Poznan College of Modern Languages

Visiting scholar

Peking University, Department of Chinese Language and Literature (2016/17)

Participation in international projects

1 Oct 2019 – 31 Jul 2020 “In Search of Singularity: Polish and Chinese Poetry Since 1989” – individual research within an international project “Russian Lyric Poetry in Transition: Poetic Forms to Address Boundaries of Genre, Language, Culture and Society between Europe, Asia and America” conducted at the University of Trier, funded by German Research Council

Grants and Fellowships

31 March 2021 – 31 March 2023 “The World Re-Versed: New Phenomena in Chinese Poetry as a Challenge and Inspiration to Literary Studies” – individual grant within Bekker Programme of Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange; 2-year fellowship at the University of Zurich
2019/2020 “In Search of Singularity: Polish and Chinese Poetry Since 1989” – individual research within an international grant project “Russian Lyric Poetry in Transition: Poetic Forms to Address Boundaries of Genre, Language, Culture and Society between Europe, Asia and America” conducted at the University of Trier, funded by German Research Council
2016/2017 Scholarship of the China Scholarship Council: visiting scholar at Beijing University Department of Chinese Language and Literature
2013/2014 Scholarship of the Confucius Institute: one-year courses at Yunnan Normal University
2011/2012 Scholarship for the best students granted by the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University
2010/2011 Scholarship for the best students granted by the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University
2009/2010 Scholarship of the China Scholarship Council: one-year courses at Huazhong Normal University



Masz wiele przezwisk, Kochany mój... <Rozmyślania sandomierskie> Kaspra Drużbickiego na tle tradycji platońskiej i neoplatońskiej” [You Have So Many Nicknames, My Love… The Sandomierz Meditations by Kasper Drużbicki in the Light of Platonic and Neoplatonic Tradition], Series: Nowa Humanistyka [New Humanities], Poznań 2012

In progress

In Search of Singularity: Polish and Chinese Poetry Since 1989, expected 2021/22.

Translated Books

Sheng Keyi 盛可以, Tęczujący popiół (锦灰, Metaphor Detox Center, Chinese-Polish), Warsaw: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [State Publishing Institute] 2021

Yan Lianke 阎连科, Kroniki Eksplozji (爆炸志The Explosion Chronicles, Chinese-Polish), Warsaw: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [State Publishing Institute] 2019

Yan Lianke 阎连科, Sen wioski Ding (丁庄梦,Dream of Ding Village; Chinese-Polish), Warsaw: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [State Publishing Institute] 2019

Harry Wu, Zimny wiatr (Bitter Winds, English-Polish), Warsaw: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [State Publishing Institute] 2018

Li Hao 李浩, Powrót do domu (还乡, Homecoming; poetry collection by Li Hao, translation from Chinese, and critical introduction by Joanna Krenz), Skarżysko-Kamienna: Kwiaty Orientu [Flowers of the Orient], 2018

Yu Jian 于坚, Świecie wejdź / 世界啊,你进来吧 (Come in, World; bilingual Chinese-Polish; selection, translation, and critical introduction by Joanna Krenz), Warsaw: Dialog [Dialogue Academic Publishing House], 2017

In progress:

Anthology of contemporary Chinese poetry in Polish translation, Warsaw: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [State Publishing Institute], expected in 2022/2023

Book Chapters

“Do China’s Robots Dream the China Dream? Chinese Artificial Intelligence Poetry Between Aesthetics and Politics” (forthcoming, 2021/22)

“Yin Lichuan”, Dictionary of Literary Biography 387 (Chinese Poets Since 1949), Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2020

“Tang Yaping”, Dictionary of Literary Biography 387 (Chinese Poets Since 1949), Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2020

“Celan’s Deathfugue in Chinese: A Polemic about Translation and Everything Else”, for the forthcoming edited volume: Van Crevel M. & Klein L. (eds.) Rights and Wrongs: Chinese Poetry and Translation, Amsterdam UP, 2019

“Za-pisanie, za-istnienie, za-czytanie” [Writing, Being, Reading (essay on poetry of Krystyna Milobedzka)], in: “Wielogłos. Krystyna Miłobędzka w recenzjach, szkicach, rozmowach”, Wrocław: Biuro Literackie, 2012.

“Wiara i nauka. Karola Wojtyły drogi przez nicość” [Faith and Science. Karol Wojtyla’s Journeys through Nothingness], in: „Wiara i nauka” [Faith and Science], Cracow 2009

Co-Edited Journal Issues and Books

Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne [Poznań Studies in Polish Language and Literature. Literary Series] – guest editor of thematic issue focused on the reception of Polish literature in China, 2021 (forthcoming)

Twórczość autobiograficzna w Azji Środkowej i na Bliskim Wschodzie [Autobiographical Writing in Central Asia and the Near East] – edited volume, with Adrianna Maśko and Agnieszka Graczyk, Poznan: Katedra Studiów Azjatyckich, 2017.

Studia Azjatystyczne [Asian Studies] – peer-reviewed journal of the Department of Asian Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University, editor since 2014

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

“Living an Emperor’s Life, Dying a Nobel Death: Li Hongwei’s Novel The King and Lyric Poetry as a Journey Through the History of Chinese Poetry”, Litteraria Copernicana (forthcoming, 2021).

“Souls Like Cuckoo Clocks: On Com-pair-ison, Directing as Meth-od, and the Poetry of Wisława Szymborska and Wang Xiaoni”, Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik 5(2021) (forthcoming).

“Przybrany ojciec. Czesław Miłosz w Chinach” (An Adoptive Father: Czesław Miłosz in China), Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka (Pozań Studies in Polish Language and Literature. Literary Series) (forthcoming, 2021)

“Archeologia, arachnologia, alchemia. Konstrukcja kobiecej tożsamości i pamięci w poezji Zhai Yongming” [Archaeology, Arachnology, Alchemy: The Construction of Female Memory and Consciousness in Zhai Yongming’s Poetry], Teksty Drugie [Second Texts] (forthcoming, 2021)

“Ice-Cream in the Cathedral: The Literary Failures and Social Success of Chinese Robot Poet Xiao Bing”, Asiatische Studien 74(4)/2020

“Wymyślanie poezji od nowa. Awangardowy dyskurs poetycki w Chinach” [Reinventing Poetry: Avant-Garde Poetry Discourse in China], Teksty Drugie [Second Texts] 5/2020.

“Oświęcim, tani chleb i ziemniaki w ranach. Polska oczyma chińskich poetów” [Oświęcim, Cheap Bread and Potatoes in Wounds: Poland in the Eyes of Chinese Poets], Porównania-Comparisons 24/2019

“Narodziny awangardy. Lata osiemdziesiąte jako dekada zwrotna w poezji chińskiej” (Rebirth of the Avant-Garde. The 1980s as the Turning Point in the History of Chinese Poetry”, Porównania-Comparisons 23/2018

Review: “Heather Inwood: Verse Going Viral” (review); Studia Azjatystyczne [Asian Studies] 2/2016

“W Chińskiej Republice Literackiej. O życiu i twórczości Mo Yana” [In the Prose Republic of China. Life and Works of Mo Yan], Polonistyka 4/2013

“Dwaj królowie” [Two Kings] (review), Polonistyka [Studies on Polish Language and Literature] 2/2012

Rozmyślania sandomierskie Kaspra Drużbickiego na tle tradycji platońskiej i neoplatońskiej” [„The Sandomierz Meditations by Kasper Druzbicki in the Context of Platonic and Neoplatonic Traditions”], Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne vol. 25, Poznań 2011

“Zaczynając od swoich ulic” [Starting from His Own Streets] (review), Polonistyka 6/2010

“Zbrodnia i mara. O znaczeniu i roli snu Raskolnikowa” [Crime and Delusion]: On the Meaning and the Role of Raskolnikov’s Dream, Polonistyka 1/2010

“Poeta i? a? kontra? nauczyciel. Poetyckie wizerunki nauczycieli” [The poet as? and? against? a Teacher. Poetic Portraits of Teachers], Polonistyka 7/2009

“Intrygująca książka” [Intriguing Book] (review), Polonistyka 3/2009

“Poezja, która się waha” [Poetry in Doubt] (review), Polonistyka 1/2009

“Studium literackiego przełomu” [Study of the Literary Breakthrough] (review), Polonistyka 8/2008

“O koniecznym rzeczy pomieszaniu” [On Inevitable Confusion about Everything] (review), Polonistyka 4/2008

“Poezja poszukiwania” [Poetry of Seeking], Polonistyka, special issue 2/2008

“Łuskanie fasoli przez sen” (o powieści Wiesława Myśliwskiego Traktat o łuskaniu fasoli) [Shelling Beans in Dreams: O Wiesław Myśliwski’s novel A Tretise on Shelling Beans], Polonistyka special issue 1/2008

Other Articles and Reviews

On a Haunted Train: Reading Ya Shi’s Floral Mutter in Nick Admussen’s Translation (review essay), Cha: Asian Literary Journal 19 July 2020,

“Czy wiersz, że…? Poezja jako organizm symbiotyczny o wysokim stopniu adaptowalności do środowiska na przykładzie próbek lirycznych z ekosystemu chińskiego” [Do you poem that…? Poetry as a Symbiotic Organism Characterized by High Environmental Adaptability Based on Lyrical Samples from the Chinese Ecosystem], EleWator 3/2020.

Review: Christopher Lupke and Paul Manfredi (eds.) Chinese Poetic Modernisms (Brill, 2019). Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (MCLC Resource Center), Nov 2019

“La poesia nel Mondo Nuovo: i robot cinesi nella scena letteraria” (Poetry in the Brave New World: Chinese Robot Enters Literary Scene, tr. by Marco Fumian), Sinosfere 8/2019,

“La poesia nel Mondo Nuovo: i robot si prendono la scena” (Poetry in the Brave New World: A Robot Enters the Stage, tr. by Marco Fumian), Il Manifesto 27 Nov 2019

“Głos po pogłosie” [The Sound after the Aftersound] (review), Pro Arte Online 1/2013

“Krystyna Miłobędzka” [entry in Dictionary of the Great Poland District’s Woman Authors]łobędzka (2012)

Krystyna Miłobędzka “Dwanaście wierszy w kolorze” [Twelve Poems in Colours] (review) – „Dwutygodnik” 4(101)/2012

“I chory Homer czasem śpi. Jaźń a kaźń w twórczości Aleksandra Wata” [Even Poor Homerus Sometimes Falls Asleep: Identity in Calamity in Aleksander Wat’s Work], Pro Arte Online 3-4/2012

“O obrotach sfer poetyckich” [On the Revolutions of the Poetic Spheres] (review), Pro Arte Online 2/2012

“Rzymski profil” [Roman Profile] (review), Pro Arte Online 2/2012

“Między regałami” [In the Forest of Bookshelves], Pro Arte Online 7-8 (105-106) 2010/2011